Yesterday was my first day of school. My first class was really great about Spa Management. Seems to be really interesting and we actually get to go on two field trips to visit different spas. My other class of the day is actually taught by the WSU professor that came with us, which is most likely going to be very boring.
I caved about half way through the day yesterday and was dying for a diet coke. So I went down to the little cafe Cosmos downstairs and bought one. First of all it was 2.50! And it was in a glass bottle. Turns out if you bring back the glass bottle, that you get 50 cents back, which isnt too bad. In Europe they actually dont have Diet Coke, they have something called Coca Cola
Light which is their "version." This does not taste like Diet Coke as I am an avid drinker and can tell the slight differences (haha). So all in all while it did help fix my craving, it did not fufill my need for Diet Coke in the long run. This is leading me to believe that this will be a long 3 and half months without Diet Coke.....when I return to the States this will be my first purchase! Along with peanut butter, which they also don't have in Europe. I had no idea that peanut butter was American? Learning new things here everyday.
After our classes finished, Ash and I went in search of hair dryers. We had already gone to Migros (grocery store/everything store....note: most of their grocery stores have random household stuff too!) and they didn't have any their so we went to Coop, which was supposed to

one of the better stores. Well we found hair dryers, but they were 30 dollars, which is totally worth it because I really needed one. Most of the girls on the trip that brought theirs says theirs don't really work with the converters so I am pretty glad I didn't bother to bring mine. It makes me nervous to plug things into the converters because I don't really want to break anything.
We finally made it to the "square" area of town. It is so picturesque I feel like I live in a real life disneyworld (you know to pretty to be real). Their are cute little shops and pubs and restaurants. I can't wait to go into all the little clothing stores....Im pretty sure Im going to break down and buy and nice pair of boots (their are alot of shoe stores here too for such a small town). Besides the language barrier I really enjoy walking around Brig. The people are really nice. Some of our friends recommended a place to get fondue. I didn't realize that fondue is such a Switzerland thing, but I can definitely get used to it, FONDUE IS AMAZING! So yummy, we split fondue with bread and potatoes for 22.00 dollars, so it was quite an

inexpensive meal. Even with splitting it, there was no way we could have finished all of it. Definitely feel like fondue might become a weekend ritual! What is interesting is there are quite a few Pizzerias, which should not be surprising because we are a 20 minute train ride to the border of Italy. All in all, walking around town is going to be my favorite thing about being here.
HEY HEY!! Just wanted to say one thing. They do have peanut butter in both migros and Coop. It is really small and hard to find but it with the jam from what i remember. but it is there. I had multiply pb and j sandwiches. HAHA